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Lip care for velvety soft lips

Moisturizing lip balms are soothing and soothing - and an absolute must in the winter months.

Reapply these beneficial lip balms to keep your lips looking softer and fuller.

Lip care, moisturizing lip balms are soothing and soothing - and an absolute must in the winter months. Reapply these beneficial lip balms to keep your lips looking softer and fuller.

More about lip care

Eine Frau mit schwarzen HAaren, welche ein Lippenpflegeprodukt anwendet
Die ultimative Pflege zur Erhaltung eines geschmeidig-zarten Lippengefühls für samtweiche Lippen

The ultimate care for maintaining a supple, delicate lip feeling for velvety-soft lips

​Botti Beauty & Relax offers high-quality lip care products from brands such as IMAGESkincareNEOSTRATA and Sesderma at. These products are ideal to make dry lips soft and silkyheyn.

Our products provide them sensitive skin of lips with moisture and nourishment active ingredients. This makes the lips feel comfortable again. Check out our products to moisturize and restore damaged lips.

Was sind die häufigsten Fehler für trockene Lippen?

What are the most common mistakes for dry lips?

The most common causes of dry lips are:

  1. Not drinking enough water: Dehydration can lead to dry and rough lips. It is important to drink enough water to keep the body hydrated.

  2. Frequent lip licking can dry out the skin as it removes natural moisture. Try to avoid licking your lips.

  3. Too much sunlight: The delicate skin of the lips is particularly sensitive to sunlight. UV rays can dry out and damage lips. Therefore, use a lip balm with sun protection factor (SPF) to protect your lips from sun damage. A high level of UV protection against UV radiation with vitamin B2 is recommended here.

  4. Smoke: Smoking can cause dry and chapped lips. The smoke and chemicals in cigarettes can dry and irritate the skin of the lips. Quitting smoking can help improve lips.

  5. Lack of care: Inadequate lip care can lead to dry skin. Use a lip balm or lip balm regularly to keep your lips moisturized.

It is important to avoid such mistakes and establish a lip care practice to prevent chapped but also burning lips.

​Was hilft gegen spröde Lippen?

What helps against chapped lips?

To treat and prevent chapped lips, there are some helpful measures you can take:

  1. Regular lip care: Use a lip balm or lip balm regularly to keep your lips moisturized. Therefore, make sure that your lip balm contains ingredients such as shea butter, coconut oil or beeswax.

  2. Drink enough water: Dehydration can lead to dry lips. Make sure you drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.

  3. Avoid excessive licking of lips: The constant licking can dry out the skin and cause dryness. Try to avoid licking your lips.

  4. Protect your lips from sun damage: The lips are particularly sensitive to sunlight. UV rays can dry out and damage lips. Therefore, use a lip balm with sun protection factor (SPF) to protect your lips Sun damage to protect.

  5. Avoid smoking: Smoking can cause dry and chapped lips. The smoke and chemicals in cigarettes can dry and irritate the delicate skin of the lips. Quitting smoking can help improve lips.

  6. Avoid extreme temperatures: Cold and dry air can dry out lips. In cold weather, wear a scarf or face mask to protect your lips from the cold and wind.

Lachende Frau, welche ihre Wangen hält
Was macht ein hochwertiges Lippenpalsem aus?

What makes a high-quality lip palsem?

A high-quality lip balm is characterized by certain features that make it effective and effective. Here are some features to look for when choosing a quality lip balm:

  1. Moisturizing Ingredients: A high-quality lip balm contains ingredients such as shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax or Hyaluronic acid which provide your lips with optimal moisture. These ingredients help lock in moisture in the lips and protect them from drying out.

  2. Protection against environmental influences: A high-quality lip balm provides a protective film on the lips that protects them from harmful environmental influences such as cold, wind, sun and dry heated air. It may also contain sun protection factor (SPF) to protect lips from the harmful effects of UV rays.

  3. Soothing and nourishing properties: A high-quality lip balm often contains soothing and nourishing ingredients ingredients like chamomile, Aloe vera or Vitamin E. These ingredients help soothe and nourish irritated lips.

  4. Long-lasting effect: A high-quality lip balm has a long-lasting effect and keeps the lips moisturized for a longer period of time. It forms a protective barrier on the lips that locks in moisture and prevents them from drying out again.

You can purchase an extensive range of the world's most successful lip care products online here

Botti Beauty & Relax has the best lip care products in medical cosmetics. The selection can simply be made via Filter in the online shop be limited and products can be ordered quickly online.

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