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Remove dark circles under the eyes

Bye, dark circles under your eyes! How to get radiant eyes once and for all - our award-winning medical cosmetic products 

Check out our blog post about it: Dark circles: causes, treatment and prevention

Dark circles under the eyes - Bye bye, dark circles under the eyes! How to get sparkling eyes once and for all - our award-winning medical cosmetic products 

More about dark circles under the eyes and how to combat dark circles

Eine Frau die ein Prodult unter den Augen gegen Augenringe trägt und lächelt

Causes of dark circles under the eyes


Among other remedies for dark circles, eye creams are also an effective way to reduce the appearance. They can have a positive effect on the skin under the eyes thanks to important ingredients.

If you want to look younger, we recommend anti-wrinkle eye creams that contain the same active ingredients as the skin and help reduce wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes.

Proper eye care combats the three main causes of dark circlespigmentation, dehydrated skin, dry skin and fatigue. This will visibly reduce them. The eye cream should be gently patted into dehydrated skin and not rubbed in. Using your fingertips, dab the cream from the inner corner of your eye outwards.

Ursachen dunkler Augenringe 
More about dark circles under the eyes and how to combat dark circles

What do dark shadows under the eyes mean?


Dark circles are caused by darkened blood vessels under the thin skin under the eyes that become visible due to a lack of oxygen or fluids. Some people are genetically predisposed to this. There are various tips and tricks to reduce or remove dark circles.

What are the causes of dark circles under the eyes?


The lifestyle

One of the main causes is often our lifestyle. If we don't sleep enough, drink too much alcohol or smoke, the blood cannot get enough oxygen, which can lead to dark circles under the eyes.



Dark circles under the eyes can also be caused by an unhealthy diet. A deficiency of vitamins and minerals is often the result. The missing ofvitamin C and zinc may be the first sign.

Another cause can be iron deficiency anemia. The blood suffers from a deficiency red blood cells. Changing your diet can reduce its occurrence. Foods rich in vitamin K, such as blueberries, cauliflower, pomegranate and tomatoes, can combat dark circles under the eyes.

Foods rich in vitamin E, such as almonds, peanuts and sunflower seeds, can also help. Eating iron-rich foods such as red meat, legumes, spinach and shellfish can also prevent anemia.


A medical cause

Dark circles under the eyes can be harmless, but they can also have a medical cause. It is therefore advisable to consult a doctor and discuss it with him. Possible medical causes include anemia (iron deficiency), in which the skin under the eyes appears dark due to a poor supply of oxygen-rich blood.

Thyroid problems can cause fluid buildup, especially around the eyes, which can lead to puffiness and dark circles. Psoriasis or eczema on the face can inflame and irritate the skin, causing redness or darkening.

Itching further increases dark circles under the eyes when the area is rubbed. It is therefore important to determine the cause of in order to receive appropriate treatment.


An allergy

If you suffer from hay fever and rub your eyes often, it can irritate sensitive skin and cause dark circles under your eyes.


Working on the screen

Prolonged computer work puts a lot of strain on the eyes and can cause the blood vessels around the eyes to dilate, occasionally leading to dark circles under the eyes.


Frequent stress and anxiety

Possible psychological reasons for dark circles under the eyes can include stress at work or in private life, as well as general anxiety.



For many of us, dark circles under the eyes due to lack of sleep are a common problem. When we don't get enough sleep, our skin can look tired and dull, revealing dark tissues and blood vessels beneath the skin.

Lack of sleep can also cause fluid to build up under the eyes, causing puffiness. However, sometimes the dark circles under the eyes are shadows caused by swollen eyelids. In any case, lack of sleep can be the cause.

Natural sign of aging

As we age, dark circles under the eyes become more common as the skin becomes thinner and loses fatty tissue as well as tone and elasticity.

The blood vessels under the skin become more prominent and the area around the eyes appears darker. Puffy eyes are also more common and can create the shadow that is perceived as dark circles under the eyes. In addition, depressions can form under the eyes, which are part of the natural aging process.


A lack of fluid

If the body doesn't have enough fluid, the skin around it can urinateYou may look tired and your eyes may appear droopy and sunken. This is because the bones around the eyes are very close together.



Dark circles under the eyes can be inherited and other family members can also have them. Studies have shown that genetics plays an important role in its development.

But poor nutrition, stress and lack of sleep can also contribute. Dark circles under the eyes can be inherited. One should minimize risk factors in order to prevent them. 

Solar radiation, UV radiation

The skin around the eyes is particularly thin and vulnerable to sundamage andHyperpigmentation. If you want to avoid dark circles under your eyes, you definitely shouldsuncream Instruct. This protects the sensitive eye area from harmful UV rays.

Was bedeuten dunkle Schatten unter den Augen?
Was sind die Ursachen von Augenringen?
Ein Vorher-/Nachherfoto. Links das Frauengesicht mit dunklen Augenringen vor der Behandlung und rechts ohne Augenringe nach der Behandlung
Wie wird man die Augenringe wieder los?​
Was bringen Augencremes gegen Augenringe konkret und wie wirken diese?

Howyou can get rid of the dark circles under the eyes again?​


Basic preventive measures

If you're wondering how to get rid of dark circles under your eyes, there are simple tricks that can help you. Make sure you get enough sleep and drink enough water.

You can also use home remedies or special ones Eye creams use. There are products that have been specially developed for this purpose and whose ingredients help sensitive skinto regenerate the eyes. With these tips, you can reduce dark circles and achieve a revitalized look.

How to combat dark circles under the eyes?

  • To reduce dark circles, you should sleep on your back with your head slightly elevated,

  • Drink plenty of water

  • den Limit caffeine consumption

  • move often

  • wear sunglasses on sunny days

  • quit smoking and

  • reduce stress

  • Healthy lifestyle habits like moderate alcohol consumption and eating more fruits and vegetables will also help.

  • Use of specially designed for this purposeEye creams with highly effective ingredients

You can find an analysis of the causes, treatments and prevention of dark circles under the eyes in ourBlog article.

What exactly do eye creams do for dark circles and how do they work?

Eye creams help reduce dark circles by positively affecting the skin under the eyes. They contain special active ingredients that help reduce wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. These active ingredients are similar to those that occur naturally in the skin.

The exact way eye creams work can vary depending on the product. Some eye creams contain ingredients like caffeine, which stimulates blood vesselse can narrow around the eyes to reduce the appearance of dark circles. Other creams contain ingredients like Hyaluronic acid that the houset moisturize and reduce the occurrence of dryness and dehydration.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of eye creams can vary from person to person. It can be helpful to try different products to see which work best for you. Additionally, it is important to use eye creams regularly and consistently to achieve optimal results.

Wieso medizinische Kosmetika zur Bekämpfung von Augenringen besser sind?

Why medical cosmetics are better for combating dark circles under the eyes?

Medical cosmetics - as they can be conveniently purchased online here at Botti Beauty and Relax online - are generally more effective in combating dark circles than commercially available products. This is because medical cosmetics are specifically designed to treat specific skin problems and provide a more powerful effect.

Medical cosmetics often contain higher concentrations active ingredients, which have been proven to help reduce dark circles under the eyes. These active ingredients can, for example, caffeine, RetinolVitamin C or Hyaluronic acid be. These active ingredients have been proven to improve blood circulation and tighten the skin CollagenStimulate production and moisturize the skin.

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