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Services (16)
- Gesichtsbehandlung RELAX PLUS
Diese Gesichtspflege Behandlung wird individuell auf deinen Hauttyp angepasst. Die auf Dich abgestimmte Behandlung ist eine sehr angenehme und äusserst schonende Pflege, welche Dir das beste Resultat bietet. Lasse Dich verwöhnen und geniessen es. Ablauf RELAX PLUS in 12 Schritten 1. Reinigung 2. Tonisieren 3. Klassische Hautanalyse 4. Porenöffnung mit Dampf 5. Peeling 6. Entfernen von Unreinheiten manuell und/oder mit dem Skin Scrubber 7. Einarbeitung von abgestimmten Wirkstoffen mit Ultraschall 8. Korrektur der Brauen 9. Färben der Brauen und/oder Wimpern 10. Pflegemaske 11. Gesichts-, Nacken- und Dekolletémassage 12. Abschlusspflege/Sonnenschutz
- Hautanalyse
Die Hautanalyse erfolgt vollautomatisch mit einem professionellen Gesichtshautscanner der absolut neuesten Generation. Durch 28 Millionen HD-Pixel wird die Gesichtshaut umfassend abfotografiert, mittels 8 verschiedenen Technologien (Bildgebung, AI-Gesichtserkennung und Deep Learning, 3D Simulation) werden die pathologischen Eigenschaften der Haut quantitativ auf der Oberfläche und tieferen Schicht analysiert. Dadurch lassen sich tieferliegende Hautschichten, welche mit dem blossen Auge kaum zu erkennen sind analysieren und so die Ursache vieler Hautprobleme treffend diagnostizieren. Die Analyse gibt Dir konkret umfassende Informationen zu den folgenden 14 Hautindikatoren deiner Gesichtshaut: ✓ Falten ✓ Hautfarbe ✓ Talg ✓ Poren ✓ Akne ✓ Flecken ✓ Mitesser ✓ Dunkle Ringe ✓ Hautempfindlichkeit ✓ UV-Akne ✓ UV-Punkt ✓ Pigment ✓ Kollagenfaser ✓ Hautfeuchtigkeit Ferner wird das Hauptalter errechnet, die Gesichts-, Augenbrauen- und Mundform sowie die Gesichtslänge und die Gesichtsbreite bestimmt. Mit dem Hautscanner können wir für Dich ✓ dein Hautzustand einfach verständlich und übersichtlich darstellen, ✓ eine individuell zugeschnitte Behandlungsempfehlung erstellen, ✓ geeignete Pflegeprodukte vorgeschlagen, ✓ deinen Behandlungserfolg fortlaufend kontrollieren (Erfassung Vor-Nachher Zustand) und ✓ deinen Analysebericht mit einfachen Visualisierungen in digitaler Form direkt auf dein Handy zur Verfügung stellen Anmerkungen: - Die Hautanalyse erfolgt in wenigen Minuten vollautomatisch und kontaktlos. Somit hat die eigentliche Analyse keinen Einfluss auf dein Erscheinungsbild. Wir empfehlen Dir aber vor dem Scan dein Gesicht komplett abzuschminken. - Beim verwendeten Scanner handelt es sich um ein zertifiziertes Medizinalprodukt (ISO 13485)
- Wimpern färben
Die Wimpern erscheinen deutlich länger und voluminöser, da durch die Färbung die volle Länge der durch Sonne und Wasser ausgebleichten Spitzen betont wird. Eine Wimpernfärbung ist ausserdem extrem praktisch und zeitsparend, denn das tägliche Auftragen von Wimperntusche entfällt! Mit einer Wimpernfärbung wirken die Augen – auch ohne Mascara – wochenlang ausdrucksstark und anziehend. Besonders für KontaktlinsenträgerInnen ist die Wimpernfärbung ideal. Sie leiden häufig darunter, dass die feinen Mascara-Partikel ins Auge geraten und irritieren. Für Sportler ist die Wimpernfärbung deshalb ideal, weil sie für Wochen wasserfest ist und auch beim Schwitzen nicht verrinnt. Die breite Farbpalette erlaubt eine Auswahl zwischen verschiedenen Farben und erfüllt fast jeden Wunsch.
Blog Posts (14)
- ZO Skin's 5-Step Plan
ZO Skin's 5-Step Plan You may have read about ZO Skin and are wondering what exactly the 5-step plan is all about. ZO Skin offers a wide range of products for different skin concerns such as aging, pigmentation and acne. The products are designed to complement each other. ZO Skin's "Fundamental Five" are the core products that Dr. Zein Obagi recommends as essential components of your skincare regimen. The Fundamental Five program consists of five core products that: 1. Cleanse 2. Peeling (exfoliate) 3. Tone 4. Barrier repair 5. Sun Protection Factor (SPF) By starting with these five types of products, you can begin your journey to younger looking, healthier skin. At Botti Beauty & Relax, we typically recommend that our clients start with these core products first. It is important to use these products before using the additional products in the ZO line or doing a 3-step peel. Because starting with the core elements will give you the best start to ultimate skin health. The 5 steps are described in more detail below and the individual products are listed. The five basic steps to ultimate skin health with ZO Skin STEP 1: Cleanse Cleansing your skin twice a day is a very important step in your skincare routine. It removes all the surface debris that can build up on your skin due to free radicals and pollutants from daily life. ZO Skin offers 3 cleansing products in its line. Each cleanser is recommended depending on your skin type or skin concerns. All cleansing products can also be used as makeup removers, making them a versatile choice. We recommend that you cleanse your skin daily, both morning and evening. If you wear makeup, we recommend double cleansing to effectively remove makeup and properly cleanse your skin. Take a look at the three cleansing products that ZO Skin offers as part of its Fundamental Five: Hydrating Cleanser Designed for the 15% of people who suffer from clinically dry skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, this cleanser minimizes dryness and irritation and soothes sensitive skin. Exfoliating Cleanser This cleanser was developed for the 15% of people who suffer from clinically dry skin such as eczema or psoriasis. It minimizes dryness and irritation and soothes sensitive skin. Exfoliating Cleanser Can be used on all skin types. It provides effective makeup removal and can be used as a shaving gel or body cleanser. It contains a botanical blend of ingredients that moisturize the skin and have antioxidant and anti-irritant properties. STEP 2: Exfoliate Exfoliating the skin is an important part of skin care, but unfortunately it is a step that many skip. Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells that are on the skin and helps to improve the skin texture. It also improves blood circulation and promotes the renewal of the epidermis. The result is a brightening of the skin tone. Regular exfoliation can also help other products penetrate the skin better by removing these surface cells. This step will depend on your personal skin, but we recommend that most of our clients exfoliate at least twice a week. Take a look at some of the peels ZO Skin offers: peeling polish The scrub polish is suitable for all skin types. It contains ultra-fine magnesium crystals that are environmentally friendly and provide gentle exfoliation. We describe this product to our customers as "micro-dermabrasion in a bottle" as it instantly smooths the skin. It gently dissolves oil and removes skin dirt cells, leaving the skin brighter and less dull. Dual Action Scrub This product is suitable for oily or acne-prone skin. This scrub contains tea tree oil, lactic acid and salicylic acid, which help fight acne-causing bacteria on the skin and reduce existing inflammation. It loosens and removes excess oil and restores moisture to the skin. STEP 3: Tone Toning the skin is important for all skin types. It helps control sebum (oil), restore skin pH and improve product penetration. ZO offers 3 different toning products to suit everyone. complexion renewal pads These pads are great for a normal to oily skin type and are a favorite with our customers. They contain salicylic acid and glycolic acid to minimize oil buildup on the skin's surface and prevent breakouts. These pads contain a plant-based blend of ingredients that hydrate the skin and act as antioxidants and anti-irritants. oil control pads Similar to the Complexion Renewal Pads, these pads contain both salicylic acid and glycolic acid, but in larger amounts. They are designed for oily/acne-prone skin and provide a maximum effective acne prevention solution. They help shrink pores and minimize oil while providing exfoliation that prevents clogged pores. Soothing Facial Toner This product is suitable for dry/sensitized skin. Soothing Toner is an ideal product to calm calm and irritated skin. It balances the skin's pH to restore skin health and gently exfoliates dry, dull skin. STEP 4: Barrier repair When you use your ZO Fundamental 5, you will notice that it does not contain a moisturizer. This is because Dr. Zein Obagi believes that moisturizers disrupt your skin's natural moisture and oil balance, thereby causing dryness, dullness, and sensitivity. Moisturizers act as a barrier that sits on top of dry skin, clogging pores and damaging the skin's structure, so we recommend skipping this step and using a skin barrier restoration product, such as ZO Daily Power Defense. Daily Power Defense This product contains ceramides to support the skin's water balance. It helps maintain the skin's natural moisture system and restore the skin's barrier function, making it an ideal replacement for your moisturizer. The product is suitable for all skin types and is designed to provide ultimate health to the skin. It contains powerful antioxidants in the form of vitamin E to protect the skin from free radicals and fight the damage they cause. Daily Power Defense helps to tone and firm the skin by containing a small amount of retinol, which stimulates the skin's collagen and elastin production. STEP 5: Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Many people wonder why we in Switzerland recommend applying sun protection factor every day and not on sunny holidays abroad. In fact, items like smartphones, computers, LED lighting and other everyday pollutants contribute to skin damage and aging every day. UVA rays can impact the skin through windows, for example when sitting by a window in the office or even driving in a car. It is very important that you always apply SPF to your face as part of your morning skincare routine and ZO offers a wide range to do so. Sunscreen + Primer SPF 30 This dual-action sunscreen for all skin types with ZOX12® complex protects against the harmful effects of UVA/UVB and IR-A rays as well as HEV light. Daily Sheer Sunscreen SPF 50 This non-greasy, water and sweat resistant sunscreen with ZOX12® complex is suitable for all skin types, dries quickly and offers transparent protection against UVA/UVB and IR-A rays as well as HEV light. Protects and moisturizes at the same time. Smart Tone Sunscreen SPF 50 A lightweight sunscreen suitable for all skin types, with a self-adjusting tint that suits most skin tones and provides a healthy, hydrated glow. It contains an exclusive antioxidant complex and protects against the aging effects of UVA/UVB, IR-A rays and HEV light. Sunscreen + Powder SPF30 A lightweight sunscreen suitable for all skin types, with a self-adjusting tint that suits most skin tones and provides a healthy, hydrated glow. It contains an exclusive antioxidant complex and protects against the aging effects of UVA/UVB, IR-A rays and HEV light. Now you can conveniently order the entire ZO Skin Health range online at Botti Beauty & Relax ✅ the entire range of ZO Skin Health from our own Swiss warehouse ✅ fast and free shipping ✅ Low price guarantee Get your ZO products now at an absolute low price here!
- The Megatrends of Skin Care - Sustainability, Skin Cycling and Emotional Beauty - BIOME+
Megatrend Sustainability in Skin Care With so many new and unique trends popping up on a regular basis, it's difficult to keep track. We've listed the most booming trends for you. Are you focusing on environmentally friendly skin care products? Or do you want to improve the health and beauty of your skin? Sustainable skin care is in vogue Companies in the skincare industry know that customers want more than just a great feeling on their skin. Today's well-informed customer also wants to feel good about their environmental choices. That's why sustainable skincare will play a big role in some of the hottest trends in the future! Sustainable skincare focuses on a model that has the most positive impact on the environment. For example, unnecessary packaging and lack of recyclability are a major problem that many companies are trying to solve. Companies will use less single-use plastic in the future. Instead, they will rely on fully recyclable and reusable materials. McKinsey and Company conducted a public all-ages survey on sustainability. More than 66% of respondents said sustainability is an important factor when purchasing products. A second survey aimed at millennials found that 75% of them are environmentally conscious, with it at the top of their list of concerns. Therefore, use reusable packaging such as glass bottles, glass cups and lotion bottles. This way, both companies and consumers contribute to sustainable skin care. Even if the product is changed, the container can be cleaned with a 2% bleach solution. This ensures cleanliness. BIOME+ - The latest creation from IMAGE Skincare Recyclable packaging will also become more and more of a trend in the future. Glass and metal can be easily recycled and reused. Some forms of plastic can also be recycled. If you buy products in plastic packaging, look for a label on the bottom of the container. It can be PETE, HDPE or PET plastic. All of these plastics are highly recyclable. BIOME+ by IMAGE Skincare With this in mind, MAGE Skincare launched the new sustainable BIOME+ line. IMAGE Skincare's collection was launched in collaboration with 1% For The Planet. The new eco-friendly collection is designed to protect the skin's microbiome and ward off visible signs of stress BIOME+ is a harmonious collection designed to respect and strengthen the skin barrier. BIOME+ is manufactured in a LEED-certified facility. It contains ingredients of natural origin such as clinical adaptogens and squalane from sugar cane. BIOME+ nourishes, comforts and brightens the skin without disturbing its natural state. Do you want to discover more about the latest and sustainable line from IMAGE Skincare? You can find all products and further information about BIOME+ here in our online shop. Trying Skin Cycling Another trend you're seeing more and more is skin cycling. This term was originally coined by New York dermatologist Whitney Bowe MD. The concept has been around for some time. The term is new. It's becoming more and more common in the skincare and beauty world. Skin cycling means that you use your products on different days, but also plan rest days. Our brain and body need sleep and rest to function well. Our skin also benefits from rest days. Schedule a "rest day" once or twice a week. On that day, do not apply any skin care products. On the other days, apply the products daily or twice a day. Skin Cycling - Break for your skin This helps: your bare skin to produce natural oils recover from a rough peeling the day before to avoid the risk of irritation and inflammation caused by repeated use of certain products Choose your preferred exfoliator to begin a skin cycle protocol. Choose a topical retinoid. Choose a fragrance-free moisturizer. Dermatologists recommend a classic four-night skin cycle. On the first day, use your peel in the evening before going to bed. On the second day, use your retinoid at about the same time in the evening before going to bed. On the third night, apply your moisturizer. The fourth night is a rest night without products. Repeat the process or schedule a different cycle with your dermatologist. Find out what works best for you. Embrace your emotional beauty Emotional beauty is a trendy term that will be on everyone's lips in the future. It has been a tough time for the population. We know that anxiety and stress can affect the way your skin looks and feels. It can also lead to feelings of burnout. Emotional beauty focuses on inner emotional balance. It's about how to use the body's natural regulatory system. When you feel good, you become more aware of your body. Then you can start to improve your physical and emotional beauty. Emotional beauty as a fundamental basis Emotional beauty is a term. It refers to how you achieve mental clarity. Also, inner harmony between your mind and your body. You can meditate or not. There are ways to stay emotionally beautiful. These ways apply all year round. Enjoy microbiome-friendly skin care The next trending idea is microbiome-friendly skincare. We know that this term may seem unfamiliar. We had to do our own research. Your skin has a natural biome. It contains helpful bacteria, viruses and fungi. Similar to the biome of your gut, it is responsible for gut health. When this biome becomes unbalanced, acne and other blemishes can appear on the skin. Focus on a microbiome-friendly skincare routine that takes care of your skin's natural biome to try and prevent acne breakouts and blemishes from developing. The first key terms you hear when exploring microbiome-friendly skincare are prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics. Each term plays an important role in skin health. This includes the strength of the skin barrier. This is how you can maintain the health of your skin in the long term. prebiotics Prebiotics are dietary supplements. They are intended for microorganisms and beneficial bacteria. These are part of the skin's natural microbiome. Ingredients such as oat extract or thermal water are well-known prebiotics that stimulate the growth of natural good bacteria. probiotics Probiotics are microorganisms. They can be present on your skin and in your body. They are often associated with foods that support healthy digestion. The microflora is microscopically small. It works together with other microorganisms. This helps to positively change the microbiome of your skin. postbiotics This is a byproduct of probiotics. It is similar to a seasoning that turns a good soup into a great one. These bacterial products are not viable. They increase the activity of microorganisms in the skin's natural microbiome. This promotes the growth of good bacteria. At the same time, the growth of bad bacteria is restricted. Although they can be used individually, this trio of biotics creates a healthy space for the growth of beneficial microorganisms. In short, prebiotics can be compared to a flowerbed with a perfect mix of soil and fertilizer. Probiotics are the seeds and plants that you should best grow. And postbiotics are the end result of the care. Article by IMAGE Skincare; Written by Antonella Uribe
- Do you suffer from acne? IMAGE Skincare will put an end to it
The best insider tips for healthy and clean facial skin IMAGE Skincare CLEAR CELL Understanding Acne The truth about acne is that while it can be difficult, it is possible to improve the condition. To do this, you need to understand the different types of acne and create a personalized treatment plan. Not every acne treatment or product works equally well for everyone, so be patient. Don't overdo it, too much of a good thing can make your condition worse! Drying out your skin too much - no matter how oily it is - will only lead to increased oil production. Likewise, over-exfoliating will compromise the skin barrier, allow bacteria to enter and make acne worse. It's all about treating your specific type of acne while keeping your skin healthy and balanced. A facial skin analysis to determine the type of acne is a good prerequisite for effective treatment with the right products. skin analysis Some cosmetic studios offer such skin analyses. At Botti Beauty & Relax, for example, you will receive a fully automatic analysis with a latest generation facial scanner and individual advice as a new customer, completely free of charge. Acne is divided into four stages: Grade 1/Mild: Open comedones (better known as whiteheads/blackheads) Grade 2/Moderate: Open and closed comedones/some papules (red pimples) Grade 3/Severity: Pustular acne (round blisters filled with pus) Grade 4/Cystic: Nodulocystic acne Once you know what type of acne you have, a treatment protocol can be created. The plan begins with a professional assessment and products such as the Clear Cell line from IMAGE Skincare - one of the world leaders in medical cosmetics. The products in this line contain ingredients that have been specifically developed to treat different forms of acne. before and after pictures The client came with grade 2 and 3 acne and received a 4-week course of CLEAR CELL and VITAL C or ORMEDIC products. You can see the remarkable results of this treatment in the before and after pictures. The good news is that acne is treatable, with a little help from IMAGE Skincare. Start your journey to clear skin today. We recommend the following products: 1. Cleansing the skin 2. Targeted treatment as a supplement (optional) 3. Day care 4. Night care - for mature skin - for young skin If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly - we will be happy to help you .
Other Pages (46)
- PREVENTION+ | IMAGE Skincare Switzerland | Botti Beauty Relax
IMAGE Skincare PREVENTION+ offers innovative moisturizers that provide comprehensive UVA and UVB sun protection. IMAGE Skincare® PREVENTION+ IMAGE now – age later IMAGE moisturizers protect th e skin and are tailored to different skin types. Advanced moisturizers with broad spectrum sun protection against UVA/UVB. Medical studies confirm that sun exposure, pollution, stress and smoke are the main causes of skin cancer and premature aging. Protect your skin every day with a moisturizer from IMAGE that is tailored to your skin type. Also take a look at our blog post: IMAGE Skincare expands the PREVENTION+ sun protection collection >>> Find out more about PREVENTION+ from IMAGE Skincare Sort by Best Quick View IMAGE Skincare - PREVENTION+ Daily Hydrating Moisturizer SPF 30 Out of stock Best Quick View IMAGE - PREVENTION+ Daily Matte Moisturizer SPF 30 Out of stock Best Quick View IMAGE - PREVENTION+ Daily Ultimate Moisturizer SPF 50 Out of stock Best Quick View IMAGE - PREVENTION+ Clear Solar Gel SPF 30 (42.5g) Price CHF53.00 Sales Tax Included | ab Lager verfügbar Best Quick View IMAGE Skincare - PREVENTION+ Daily Perfecting tinted Primer SPF 50 Price CHF58.00 Sales Tax Included | ab Lager verfügbar Best Quick View IMAGE - PREVENTION+ Sun Serum SPF30 (28.3g) Price CHF53.00 Sales Tax Included | ab Lager verfügbar Best Quick View IMAGE - PREVENTION+ Tinted Sun Serum SPF30 (28.3g) Price CHF53.00 Sales Tax Included | ab Lager verfügbar Best Quick View IMAGE Skincare - I TRAVEL - Bright & Brilliant - Holiday Box 2023 (3 products) Price CHF220.00 Sales Tax Included | ab Lager verfügbar Best Quick View IMAGE Skincare - I TRAVEL - IMAGE Bestseller Set (1 Kit) Out of stock Best Quick View IMAGE Skincare - I TRIAL - Brighten & Protect Kit 3-stage brightening (1 box) Price CHF87.00 Sales Tax Included | ab Lager verfügbar Best Quick View IMAGE Skincare - I TRIAL - POST TREATMENT Kit (1 box) Price CHF38.00 Sales Tax Included | ab Lager verfügbar Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Copy link More about PREVENTION+ IMAGE Skincare's PREVENTION+ sunscreen collection offers advanced moisturizers with broad-spectrum sun protection to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun's rays. Medical studies have shown that sun exposure is a leading cause of skin cancer and premature aging. That's why it's important to care for your skin every day with a moisturizer that's specifically tailored to your skin type. In addition to sun exposure, pollution, stress and smoke can also cause skin damage. This makes it even more important to protect your skin from these harmful influences. The IMAGE PREVENTION+ products not only offer effective sun protection, but also contain valuable ingredients that moisturize your skin and protect it from premature aging. Our blog post "IMAGE Skincare expands the PREVENTION+ sun protection collection" gives you more information about the different products in this collection. There you will find out which moisturizer is best for your skin type and how to use it most effectively. Protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, pollution, stress and smoke. With the advanced moisturizers in the PREVENTION+ sun protection collection from IMAGE Skincare, you are well equipped to keep your skin healthy and radiant. Order online now and enjoy comprehensive protection for your skin. How do the products from the PREVENTION+ line work? IMAGE Skincare PREVENTION+ products work in various ways to protect your skin and prevent premature aging. Here are some points you should keep in mind: Broad spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 - SPF 50): The products contain broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects your skin from the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays. This helps prevent sunburn, skin cancer and premature aging. Moisturizer: The products contain moisturizing ingredientsopen that moisturize your skin and keep it hydrated. This is important for keeping skin healthy and glowing. Protection against environmental pollution: The products also contain ingredients that protect your skin from the harmful effects of pollution. This helps protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and environmental stressors. Anti-aging properties: The products also contain ingredients that help reduce the signs of premature aging. This can reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation and leave skin looking firmer and more youthful. By using the products from the PREVENTION+ line, you can protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, pollution, stress and smoke and maintain healthy and radiant skin. "Image now, age later" Let the products from the VITAL C line convince you!
- About us | Botti Beauty & Relax Switzerland | Tanja & Fabio Botti
Top-class facial treatments such as HydraBeauty and microneedling at the lowest price. Visit us at the beauty salon in Mettmenstetten - Botti Beauty & Relax ABOUT US We are passionate experts for high-quality beauty treatments and medical cosmetic products. We are firmly convinced that the highest quality does not have to be expensive. Our work is our passion and we constantly strive to improve everything we do. We skillfully source the best products in the world and always focus on the essentials. We can offer our customers top quality at unbeatable prices throughout Switzerland. We love to inspire people and make their beauty shine - let us convince you of our skills! VISIT ONLINE SHOP BOOK AN APPOINTMENT Online shop Switzerland The world of medical cosmetics Our online shop offers a diverse selection of high-quality cosmetic products from renowned medical skin care brands at attractive prices. All products are shipped quickly and free of charge directly from our warehouse in Switzerland. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Copy link Unser Kosmtiktudo Beauty salon Mettmenstetten ZH It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to our brand new studio in Mettmenstetten. Manager Tanja Botti Hello My name is Tanja Botti My name is Tanja Botti and I am the founder of Botti Beauty & Relax. As a certified cosmetician (KMAZ), I offer professional facial treatments for thorough cleansing of the pores as well as perfectly shaped eyebrows and well-groomed eyelashes . We use both classic and innovative, gentle methods and the latest technologies such as HydraBeauty and microdermabrasion to ensure a safe and as pain-free application as possible. We are always on the lookout for new developments in beauty technology to offer our customers the best. Botti Beauty & Relax - Your cosmetic studio in Mettmenstetten BOOK AN APPOINTMENT Working methods, equipment and products We are passionate about meeting our customers' expectations by consistently guaranteeing the best quality standards in terms of technologies, equipment and products. We are thrilled that we only use the top-quality products from IMAGE Skincare® for our treatments! And the best thing is that you can buy them from us at unbeatable prices! VISIT ONLINE SHOP IMAGE Skincare® is the world's leading company in the field of professional cosmetics . The products do not contain parabens, phthalates, mineral oils, artificial fragrances, synthetic dyes and are not tested on animals. IMAGE Skincare® is also committed to a sustainable future. All materials used in production are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® and come from responsibly managed forests. We sell all IMAGE Skincare® products in our own shop at fair prices and with no shipping costs directly from our warehouse in Switzerland. We are an accredited member Our products We only carry selected and certified cosmetic products from professional medical skin care brands . All award-winning products are based on many clinical studies . We also ensure that our products do not contain parabens, phthalates, mineral oils, artificial fragrances, synthetic dyes and are not tested on animals . to our brands What our customers say
- Caviar of Switzerland | Luxury, Quality | Botti Beauty Relax
Get the exclusive skin care collection from Caviar of Switzerland with immense effectiveness and a luxurious feel from Switzerland to Switzerland. BUY NOW Caviar of Switzerland - The Best of Swiss Cosmetics Discover the world of luxurious skincare with Caviar of Switzerland . Pamper yourself with a collection inspired by the Swiss tradition of quality and luxury. >>> Learn more about the brand Welcome to Caviar of Switzerland The four top products are all enriched with precious caviar extracts. In addition, the powerful antioxidant superoxide dismutase helps your skin fight the signs of aging. The story Did you know that Caviar of Switzerland was born from a simple idea? Our founders dreamed of combining the best ingredients with Swiss precision. The Philosophy Our philosophy is very simple: we want to offer you the best care that Switzerland has to offer. That's why we focus on innovation, quality and pure luxury. Highest quality standards At Caviar, the focus is on the ingredients ( caviar extracts ). Only the best and highest quality ingredients are used. Enjoy a luxurious skin care experience. Inspired by Swiss heritage, this collection gives you the ultimate glow (skin care glow up ). Feel the regenerating power and see how your skin shines again. Discover the cleansers, serums and face creams from Switzerland. Order your personal care set today. All Caviar products are immediately available from stock at Botti Beauty & Relax. Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Copy link Bestseller SALE Quick View Caviar of Switzerland - Micellar Water All-in-one Cleanser (150ml) Out of stock SALE Quick View Caviar of Switzerland - Revitalising Facial Serum (30ml) Regular Price CHF160.00 Sale Price CHF125.00 Sales Tax Included | ab Lager verfügbar SALE Quick View Caviar of Switzerland - Revitalising Eye Cream (15ml) Regular Price CHF155.00 Sale Price CHF128.00 Sales Tax Included | ab Lager verfügbar SALE Quick View Caviar of Switzerland - 24-hour revitalizing face cream (50ml) Regular Price CHF165.00 Sale Price CHF109.00 Sales Tax Included | ab Lager verfügbar ALL PRODUCTS Frequently Asked Questions Instagram The latest from our blog Do you want to take your skin care to the next level? Our new blog posts will show you the way.